Friday, October 13, 2006

What a week!

I'm so glad this week is nearly over. Its been so so busy at least I have Shimelle's new class to look forward to - it starts Sunday :)

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Shimelle's September class - Page 4

This blue sticker says "Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars. Les Brown" My added text says Today I learnt, I can get ahead with my studying if I apply myself.

I'm studying for my second financial planning exam and I'm finding it really tough going. The exam is Monday! :{


I received the workbook for Shimelle's latest class today. Talk about extremes - I have to think of so many different emotions and describe the actions, prompts that create them, my reactions, smells I associate with them ... Thank goodness I have a few days to think and mull over them before the class starts.

So what smells do you link with happiness, fear and anger? and why?

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Page 3

Page 3 - they say a picture says a thousand words - most of these were blue - not because my car is blue!

The little blue strip says learn from your mistakes.

What a day - I had rushed all the way over the Urmston to pick up the cardstock and flowers I needed for Shimelle's class. I had to take the kids with me so I was rather hassled trying to shop. Hannah was in tears as Thomas had kicked her she had tried to avoid the kick and banged her head. So I was not in the best of moods as I tried to leave the car park! As I swung around I forgot to check all 4 corners! This poor little car has been mine for less than a year and already I've had 3 incidents in it! At least they have all been minor and it's only the car that need repairing.

Page 2

As Shimelle is starting a new class on 15th October, I've promised myself that I can sign up if I finish the last one. This may be tricky as I'm only on page 8 out of 30!

Anyway here is page 2.

The little blue strip says The race is long and, in the end, it's only with yourself - Mary Schmich.

I found this quote really thought provoking and went in web search for its origins. It is from a Newpaper article which was made into a pop song - Wear Sunscreen. The words are great - look them up sometime!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Grief it's October

I've been so so busy. I'm supposed to be studying for my 2nd financial planning exam but I've given up as I'm losing the plot! So everything has gone on hold - shimelle's class, UKS, scrapping, altered art, family life, LIFE - well its not actually that bad but it was grim. So I've now resigned myself to the fact that I'll fail but gosh don't I feel happier.

I also start working 4 days next week - this should help me take some of the pressure off. I have actually been doing a days work for my Mum for the last year so Thomas won't notice any difference but I'm actually looking forward to building my career - failing the exam won't help this - but I can resit in January so I'm aiming for that. I keep promising myself I won't leave it to the last minute - lets hope it works out that way.